Information for
Students are admitted to the Bolshoi Ballet Academy
through an audition process which takes place during the
entire year.
The audition is a ballet class comprising bar, centre
work, basic adagio, allegro, point work and variation,
if any.
• International students unable to attend an audition in
person may submit a DVD (no longer than 15-20 minutes)
showing their class work (bar, center work, adagio,
allegro, point work and repertoire, if any) along with
proper documentation confirming their previous training
experience and background information.
Please, be sure to include the following exercises into
your video:
For students 10-14 years old:
Bar: 1. Demi-plies+Grands plies
2. Battements tendus
3. Battements fondus
Center work: 1. Temps lie par terre
2. Battements tendus
Allegro: 1. Pas echappe + Changement de pied
2. Pas assemble
3. Pas jete
Point work: 1. Releve+Pas echappe
2. Pas-coupe-ballonne
3. Pas couru
For students 14-18+ years old:
Bar: 1. Grand plies
2. Battements tendus+jete
3. Rond de jambe par terre+en l’air
4. Grands battements jetes
Center work: 1. Temps lie on 90dg with tire-bouchon
2. Battemets tendus+Pirouettes
3. Grands battements jetes+Grands pirouettes
Allegro: 1. Pas eshappe battu+ pas assemble battu
2. Sissonne ouverte
3. Grand pas assemble + Grand pas jete
Point work: 1. Pas echappe en tournant
2. 2 pirouettes en dehor& en dedans
3. Grand fouette en face
4. Pirouettes en dehors & en dedans (diagonals)
• Along with the DVD, every applicant has to submit an
Application Form.
Training Contract
International students (represented by their parents or
legal guardians) admitted to the Bolshoi Ballet Academy
have to sign a Contract to enroll with the Academy for
the fee-based training programs and submit the following:
• Confirmation of general education listing subjects
studied and the respective grades
• Confirmation of choreographic studies
• Medical certificates with tests results (including HIV,
B / C hepatitis, X-ray shots, RV). For details refer to
the corresponding Attachment to the Training Contract.
• Medical insurance policy purchased in home countries
and valid in Moscow (Russia).
• Upon arrival at the Academy:
- Passport with a valid visa and the Migration Card
issued at the border point.
- 10 black- and - white photos, 3x4cm, matte finish
- Fee for a multiple entry visa (RUR 1000) and for
registration with the Federal Migration Service (RUR
200). The fee for extension of a student visa is RUR
Each of the above documents should have a notarized
Russian translation attached.
The details about arrival / departure of an applicant
shall be required as well.
Invitation Procedure
To have a Letter of Invitation issued, please send (by
mail or e-mail) the below documents:
• The Application Form
• A copy of the first two pages of your national
passport which has to remain valid for at least 1.5
years upon your estimated arrival in Russia.
The Russian visas are applied for at the Consulates of
the Russian Federation in countries of residence of
newly-admitted students.